收录时间: 2021-01-16 10:37:33
Frankenstein was first published anonymously in London in 1818, reflecting English biases towards female authors, and Mary Shelley was not credited as the author of Frankenstein until the French edition was published in 1823.   Frankenstein has had a lasting influence on literary tradition, opening the door to literary horror as a genre, and is widely recognized as the first work of science fiction. It has been adapted for film, television, and stage, as well as providing the basis for new works of literary fiction. Penned by Mary Shelley (1797-1851), Frankenstein is the best-selling Gothic classic about an experiment that goes horribly wrong, and a monster who swears revenge on his creator.   Swiss student Victor Frankenstein uncovers the secret to bringing life to what is lifeless, and in assembling body parts to create a monster, ultimately sets the stage for his own destruction and that of everything that he loves when the monster is rejected by society.
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重生到86年的东京,陶知命在泡沫时代中潇洒崛起。从东京开始,他是时代繁华大幕后最举足轻重的年轻人。 财富,女人;权力,名声。陶知命如同来自另一个次元的猎手,瞄准的猎物,包括即将沸腾在信息时代里的全球人心。 这是一本都市商业文,无系统,符合大佬口味的请点击收藏。 已有三本老书,从未太监,请放心收藏。 书友群:516470563
张小强是个小人物,本是一名混吃等死的小吊丝,宅在家里的他,躲过丧尸病毒的首次爆发,看到同住一个小区的邻居变成丧尸,他感受到了无边的恐惧,他在人吃人的末世中孤独求生,最后受尽孤独折磨的他,拿起了自己的装备,走向了外面狼烟滚滚的世界。 他以顽强不死的蟑螂为榜样,因为蟑螂会在末世的夹缝里活下去,直到夹缝再也容不下他。 他在残酷的末世离,绞尽脑汁,做陷阱,建基地,抗尸潮,与人斗,与天斗.
凡人篇: 为求长生,图谋天下! 我钟山,要建立无上天朝,收集天下气运,冲刷己身业障,至此迎抗天威,开天辟地,长生不死。 一命二运三风水四积阴德五功名! 为了长生。修功名者,建立天朝收集天下气运!修积阴德者,创立圣地积攒无量功德!修风水者,更是能够沟通阴阳两界,借天地之势!修运者,……………!修命者,………………! ----------------------------- 仙人篇: 问天下,谁能长生不死~~~~~~~~~~!
爹爹不疼,姥姥不爱的富家子,被所有人抛弃,浑浑噩噩的混着日子。 一次香艳的阴谋,毁了他的一生。 这一切,都要从一款跨时代的三国游戏开始。 游戏中,他机缘巧合的转职成野人,独占神农架,坐拥神农谷,建城争霸! 这里有名震天下的历史武将,艳绝当代的历史美女,他该何去何从? 新书:《万古武神》求支持
一个从小体弱多病的富商之子,在寻求续命之法时,意外走上了修仙登天之路! 大唐盛世,天下安泰,风调雨顺,百姓安居。 千年后世,魔物吞天,妖鬼横行,遍野哀鸣。 西游再现,大圣斗天,天蓬下凡,卷帘重生。 莫名的穿梭与轮回,虚实掩映,真幻交织! 是预言中的梦境?还是尚未发生的现实? 他能否打破命中注定的魔障,消弭还未发生的三界大劫,挽救苍生于水火?
作者:Mary W. Shelley
Frankenstein has had a lasting influence on literary tradition, opening the door to literary horror as a genre, and is widely recognized as the first work of science fiction. It has been adapted for film, television, and stage, as well as providing the basis for new works of literary fiction.   Penned by Mary Shelley (1797-1851), Frankenstein is the best-selling Gothic classic about an experiment that goes horribly wrong, and a monster who swears revenge on his creator. Swiss student Victor Frankenstein uncovers the secret to bringing life to what is lifeless, and in assembling body parts to create a monster, ultimately sets the stage for his own destruction and that of everything that he loves when the monster is rejected by society.
作者:Mary W. Shelley
Frankenstein has had a lasting influence on literary tradition, opening the door to literary horror as a genre, and is widely recognized as the first work of science fiction.   It has been adapted for film, television, and stage, as well as providing the basis for new works of literary fiction. Penned as part of a competition between Mary Shelley, Lord Byron, and John Polidori to see who could write the best horror story, Frankenstein is resonant with themes of love, friendship, hubris, and fear. It presents the epic battle between man and monster, showing that man is not always capable of controlling that which he creates.   Penned by Mary Shelley (1797-1851), Frankenstein is the best-selling Gothic classic about an experiment that goes horribly wrong, and a monster who swears revenge on his creator.
一剑东来,天下俯首。 少年自海上来,倒提青锋,血染轮回。
利来从2020年重生1991年,疯狂开始开辟他的财源时代来。(希望书友多多收藏,推荐,各种支持,谢谢!)建厂,物流,金融,网络,农业,药品,高科技,医院,学校,实业,非实业,各种布局,以商业为主,生活为附带,布网全球,改变商业模式与发展,改变一些人,一些事,这一世,他将无处不在,无所畏惧。 本书前期三十几章内,主角赚到第一桶金后,会在香江逗留一段时间,捞点时代的好处,买地皮,建批发商城,买店铺啥的,这是一个可以一本万利的买卖,所以先下手为强,也能在那些大佬口中分一杯羹,为以后的事业打下一点基础。 后面章节,也就是三十几章后,就会回到大陆金陵真正的开始建厂,发展,先是买下倒闭的彩云毛巾厂,把它经营好。 93年初,主角会去魔都浦—东区域,陆家—嘴等地买下几片“芦苇荡”。 然后再去京城,买下几间四合院,再到郊外买几块地做农庄。 后面可能会把市场扩展到东南亚,欧美等地,这是后话。