收录时间: 2021-06-28 11:35:41
一场末世噩梦后,王磊从平行空间醒来,发现自己已经重生到末世刚开始的七年前。 这一世,我一定要杀尽仇人! 这一世,我一定要保护自己的双亲和所爱之人!
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一个从小体弱多病的富商之子,在寻求续命之法时,意外走上了修仙登天之路! 大唐盛世,天下安泰,风调雨顺,百姓安居。 千年后世,魔物吞天,妖鬼横行,遍野哀鸣。 西游再现,大圣斗天,天蓬下凡,卷帘重生。 莫名的穿梭与轮回,虚实掩映,真幻交织! 是预言中的梦境?还是尚未发生的现实? 他能否打破命中注定的魔障,消弭还未发生的三界大劫,挽救苍生于水火?
凡人篇: 为求长生,图谋天下! 我钟山,要建立无上天朝,收集天下气运,冲刷己身业障,至此迎抗天威,开天辟地,长生不死。 一命二运三风水四积阴德五功名! 为了长生。修功名者,建立天朝收集天下气运!修积阴德者,创立圣地积攒无量功德!修风水者,更是能够沟通阴阳两界,借天地之势!修运者,……………!修命者,………………! ----------------------------- 仙人篇: 问天下,谁能长生不死~~~~~~~~~~!
大陆传奇,一战成名;凤凰圣女,风火流星神界刀法;双升融合,金阳蓝月,雷霆之怒,这里没有魔法,没有斗气,没有武术,却有武魂。唐门创立万年之后的斗罗大陆上,唐门式微。一代天骄横空出世,新一代史莱克七怪能否重振唐门,谱写一曲绝世唐门之歌?   百万年魂兽,手握日月摘星辰的死灵圣法神,导致唐门衰落的全新魂导器体系。一切的神奇都将一一展现。   唐门暗器能否重振雄风,唐门能否重现辉煌,一切尽在《斗罗大陆》第二部——《绝世唐门》!
作者:Stephen Baxter
When Frank Algernon Cowperwood emerged from the Eastern District Penitentiary in Philadelphia he realized that the old life he had lived in that city since boyhood was ended. His youth was gone, and with it had been lost the great business prospects of his earlier manhood. He must begin again.
作者:Perkins, Lucy Fitch
High on the kitchen wall of an old farm-house on a mountainside in Switzerland there hangs a tiny wooden clock. In the tiny wooden clock there lives a tiny wooden cuckoo, and every hour he hops out of his tiny wooden door, takes a look about to see what is going on in the world, shouts out the time of day, and pops back again into his little dark house, there to wait and tick away the minutes until it is time once more to tell the hour.
Monday afternoon the storm which had been beating up against the southeasterly wind nearly all day thickened, fold upon fold, in the northwest. The gale increased, and blackened the harbor and whitened the open sea beyond, where sail after sail appeared round the reef of Whaleback Light, and ran in a wild scamper for the safe anchorages within.
作者:William Makepeace Thackeray
MY DEAR ----,--It is no easy task in this world to distinguish between what is great in it, and what is mean; and many and many is the puzzle that I have had in reading History or the works of fiction which go by that name, to know whether I should laud up to the skies, and endeavor, to the best of my small capabilities, to imitate the remarkable character about whom I was reading, or whether I should fling aside the book and the hero of it, as things altogether base, unworthy, laughable, and get a novel, or a game of billiards, or a pipe of tobacco, or the report of the last debate in the House.